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Training for Organisations

Our training programs can be delivered online or face-to-face, in their standard format or customised to suit your organisational needs and context.

Our programs range in length from 2 hours to 2 days and provide different levels of engagement for participants based on your organisations needs.

Our online training is delivered by highly qualified and experienced Child Wise trainers, and allows participants to interact, communicate, view and discuss presentations, and engage with learning resources while working in groups, all in an online setting.

We also run some of our longer training sessions in-person, generally in our Melbourne office. We may also be able to deliver sessions at your office, depending on location, or online divided into multiple shorter sessions.

You can book into a scheduled training session or talk to us about a session just for your organisation.

Take a look at the full list of our training offerings below and contact us to find out more.

If you can't see what you need here, get in touch and we can design a bespoke training for your organisation. 

What is a Child Safe Organisation?

This program aims to provide a practical understanding of the requirements and indicators of the National Principles and Child Safe Standards through a range of interactive activities and a case study.

Who should attend?
  • Staff and volunteers that work indirectly with children and/or young people
  • Staff and volunteers that work directly with children and/or young people
  • Child Safety Officers, staff with responsibility to manage child safety
  • HR Staff and Leaders
  • Managers, Leaders
  • Board members
Learning Outcomes
  • Gain an understanding of the Australian child safety context
  • Understand the indicators of the National Principles and/or Child Safe Standards for Child Safe Organisations.
  • Learn how to apply the principles and/or standards in practice
  • Learn how to build a child safe culture that promotes the empowerment of children and young people in your organisation

2 hours


In person, online, or can be tailored to suit client needs.

Leading and Governing a Child Safe Organisation

This program is designed for board members, governors, leaders and senior managers to gain an understanding of legislative and policy requirements of organisations to protect children and young people in their care.

Who should attend?
  • HR Staff and Leaders
  • Managers, Leaders
  • Board Members
Learning Outcomes
  • Understand child abuse related governance risks
  • Identify key learnings from the Royal Commission
  • Develop a general understanding of the national legislative context
  • Understand the National Principles and Child Safe Standards for Child Safe Organisations
  • Identify key governance and leadership responsibilities and obligations
  • Recognise barriers and challenges for organisations
  • Build confidence in ensuring child safety policy is leading practice

2 hours


In person, online, or can be tailored to suit client needs.

The Australian Child Safety Legislative Landscape

This program aims to provide a high-level overview of the main pieces of child safety related legislation for organisations that work or engage with children and young people across the country.

Who should attend?
  • Child Safety Officers, staff with responsibility to manage child safety
  • Managers, Leaders
  • Board Members
Learning Objectives
  • Gain an understanding of key pieces of Australian child safety legislation
  • Understand your organisation’s responsibilities within the current legislative context
  • Build confidence in applying legislation to organisational policy and practice

2 hours


In person, online, or can be tailored to suit client needs.

Building a child safeguarding culture and influencing change

This program examines the importance of child safety at every level. It aims to help participants develop an understanding of the tools used to assess their organisation’s maturity on a child safety spectrum.

Who should attend?
  • Child Safety Officers, staff with responsibility to manage child safety
  • HR Staff and Leaders
  • Managers, Leaders
  • Board Members
Learning Outcomes
  • Plan for a sustainable, long-term implementation of the National Principles/Child Safe Standards for Child Safe Organisations
  • Gain an understanding of the importance of resourcing requirements and clear governance structures
  • Learn the key elements of child safety assessment
  • Understand the role of a Child Safety Officer

2 hours


In person, online, or can be tailored to suit client needs.

Beyond Working with Children Checks - Safer Recruitment

This program aims to help participants learn how to apply a child safety lens to each step of the recruitment, screening and contracting process.

Who should attend?
  • Child Safety Officers, staff with responsibility to manage child safety
  • HR Staff and Leaders
  • Managers, Leaders
Learning Outcomes
  • Include child safe steps in the recruitment process
  • Gain an understanding of why robust child safe recruitment processes are necessary
  • Learn key child safety indicators to include in position descriptions
  • Build confidence in conducting quality interviews and reference checking and exploring red flags
  • Understanding what screening strategies are available to ensure child safe recruitment

2 hours


In person, online, or can be tailored to suit client needs.

Recognising and Responding to Child Abuse

This program aims to help participants understand the various forms of child abuse and neglect. This includes, identifying the signs and indicators of child abuse and how to gain confidence in responding to and reporting any concerns about a child’s safety.

Who should attend?
  • Staff and volunteers that work directly with children and/or young people
  • Child Safety Officers, staff with responsibility to manage child safety
Learning Outcomes
  • Recognise the physical and behavioural indicators of child abuse, neglect and harm
  • Understand the impacts of child abuse, neglect and harm
  • Understand the dynamics of sexual offending and grooming
  • Build confidence and understanding in responding to and reporting incidents, allegations or disclosures of child abuse

2 hours


In person, online, or can be tailored to suit client needs.

Understanding and Managing Child Safety Risks 

This program will explore practical tools and ideas to enhance the participant’s understanding of their organisation’s risk culture and ensure that child safety risk management becomes common practice for everyone.

Who should attend?
  • Staff and volunteers that work directly with children and/or young people
  • Child Safety Officers, staff with responsibility to manage child safety
  • Managers, Leaders
Learning Outcomes
  • Gain an understanding of the risk and consequences of harm
  • Learn how to define your organisation’s child safety risk profile
  • Build confidence in conducting risk assessments
  • Learn methods to include all stakeholders in assessing and mitigating risks
  • Recognise barriers to the right risk culture in your organisation
  • Learn how to reduce the likelihood of harm to children and young people
  • Develop a general understanding of indicators of success and the importance of ongoing risk management

2 hours


In person, online, or can be tailored to suit client needs.

Managing Child Abuse Disclosures and Concerns

This program aims to provide participants with an understanding of reporting requirements and strategies for managing child safety concerns, incidents and allegations.

Who should attend?
  • Staff and volunteers that work directly with children and/or young people
  • Child Safety Officers, staff with responsibility to manage child safety
Learning Outcomes
  • Build confidence in reporting to the appropriate authorities
  • Understand key considerations of providing support to impacted parties
  • Build confidence in managing immediate risks to children and young people
  • Build capacity in mitigating ongoing risk
  • Understand the importance of working toward continuous improvement

2 hours


In person, online, or can be tailored to suit client needs.

Child Safe Organisations

This program unpacks the actions that organisations need to take to ensure they are safe for children and young people  and meet their obligations under National and State/Territory based legislation, standards and frameworks.

Who should attend?
  • Anyone in a leadership or management position in an organisation that engages with children, or has
  • responsibility for keeping children safe via a child safeguarding portfolio.
Learning Outcomes
  • Update knowledge of child safety related data and context.
  • Enhance knowledge of the forms of child abuse with a focus on grooming and harmful sexual behaviour and how to respond to concerns and disclosures.
  • Learn about legislation, standards and frameworks that apply to child safe organisations and apply your learning to reporting concerns of child abuse.
  • Understand key engagement principles to improve participation of children, young people and families and ensure there are child safe complaints pathways
  • Gain a better understanding of equity, diversity and cultural safety and how it impacts child safety.
  • Build knowledge of key child safe organisational practices including: child safe policy and Code of Conduct, child safe recruitment/screening and risk management.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of key organisational cultural change elements, the importance of leadership and governance and the challenges to maintaining child safe organisations.

1 day


In person, online, or can be tailored to suit client needs.

Creating Child Safety Champions

An intensive training program designed to give you the skills and knowledge to lead a child safeguarding portfolio or reform in your organisation.

Who should attend?

Child Safety Officers and other professionals that have a responsibility to lead the implementation of a child safe environment for children and young people.

Learning Outcomes
  • Update your knowledge on child abuse prevalence and learnings. 
  • Gain an understanding of the difference between child safety and child protection.
  • Develop knowledge of child abuse, indicators and impacts.
  • Understand the preconditions for abuse, and the risks to organisations. 
  • Gain an understanding of trauma and the impact of child abuse on the brain.
  • Understand the principles and standards that create a child safe organisation.  
  • Understand key pieces of child safety frameworks and responsibilities within the current legislative context.
  • Develop skills in reporting concerns of child abuse.
  • Develop an understanding of key child safety policies and a child safe policy framework.
  • Gain an understanding of the significance of a child safety specific Code of Conduct.
  • Understand key engagement principles to improve participation of children, young people and families.
  • Gain an understanding of equity, diversity and cultural safety and how it impacts child safety.
  • Build confidence in implementing child safety elements when recruiting, screening, supervising and supporting organisational representatives.
  • Understand child focused complaint pathways and processes, responding to complaints.
  • Develop an understanding and skills in identifying and mitigating child safety risks
  • Gain a deeper understanding of key cultural change elements, the importance of governance and leadership and the challenges to maintaining child safe organisations.

2 days


In person, online, or can be tailored to suit client needs.

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