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Is your organisation child safe?

BOOK NOW for special pricing on some of our foundational safeguarding services:
Policy review

10% fee reduction for review before end 2022

Is your organisation’s child safeguarding policy and code of conduct up-to-date with best practice child safety standards and legislative requirements? 

Your suite of child safeguarding documents need to be more than just ‘documents’, they need to be lived throughout the organisation. For this to happen, they must be accessible to all stakeholders, well understood, inclusive and relevant to an organisation’s context. We can support your organisation to achieve this aim.

We can review your documents and provide advice about any areas that require improvement.

We invest time in understanding the operational context of your organisation to ensure that our advice is practical and fit-for-purpose. We help you to ensure your organisation is not only compliant with legislation and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, but that you have a framework of policies, procedures and strategies which provide a foundation for building a genuinely child safe culture.

We can review your documents for you and provide you with evidence-based recommendations for improvements. We can complete this review for you before the year ends, giving you peace of mind that you will resume services in 2023 with a best practice child safeguarding policy settings.

If you book before 2 December we’ll give you a 10% fee reduction.

Training sessions

Book one of the following training sessions for your organisation for delivery by end February 2023* to take advantage of 2022 pricing: 

Are you responsible for recruitment in your organisation? How confident are you that your processes are child safe? 

Child Wise’s 'Beyond Working with Children Checks – Safer Recruitment' is a 2-hour training designed to help participants learn how to apply a child safety lens to each step of the screening and recruitment process. Approaching each recruitment step with a child safe lens will ensure that all parties are clear of your organisation’s expectations and standards and send a strong message about valuing the rights and safety of children and young people.

Do your staff or volunteers work with children? Are you confident that you and your team would recognise the indicators of child abuse and know how to report them? 

Child Wise’s ‘Recognising and Responding to Child Abuse’ is a 2-hour training that aims to help participants understand the various forms of child abuse and neglect. This includes, identifying the signs and indicators of child abuse and how to gain confidence in responding to and reporting any concerns about a child’s safety. The training provides an overview of the legislative context around child safety and mandatory reporting at an introductory level.

Is your organisation required to implement the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations? 

Even if not a legislative requirement, it is still good practice. 'Understanding the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations’ is a 2- hour training program that aims to provide participants with a clear understanding of the Australian child safety context. It aims to provide a practical understanding of the requirements and indicators of the National Principles through a range of interactive activities and shared stories.

For all training booked for delivery before end February 2023, we will lock in 2022 pricing.

*Child Wise will be closed from 23 December and 8 January

What do our clients say?
  • 'Informative, clear and comprehensive. Powerful and effective'
  • 'Accessible to all industry groups and stakeholders'
  • 'Super thorough and empowering. Lots of practical steps to take and implement'
  • 'Fantastically informative with practical examples to be able to take back to our workplace and implement'
Send us an enquiry today: