Dialog Box

Child Wise and Mind Of My Own

Elevating technology that gives children a voice.

If your organisation or business impacts children and young people, you have a responsibility to ensure their safety and wellbeing. This includes empowering children and young people to be active, vocal and confident participants in your organisation or business.

To help drive organisations like yours towards this goal, Child Wise have partnered with Mind Of My Own, an organisation that creates trusted digital participation tools for children’s services. Mind Of My Own’s digital participation tools are used in over a third of UK local authorities and 450 services including schools, out of home care providers and community-based services.

How can your organisation benefit from digital participation tools?

It has become increasingly important for organisations to make child safety a priority, and to work in the best interests of children.

Encouraging the participation of children is one of the best ways to gather information to facilitate this goal. Investing in digital participation tools demonstrates your organisation’s commitment to listening to young people. More importantly, digital participation tools help services and professionals to receive organic, uncontrived and authentic feedback from a wide range of children and young people. 

Ultimately, this translates into more opportunities to help safeguard children and young people interacting with your staff.

Here’s how Mind Of My Own digital participation tools can help you engage and empower children and young people in your organisation:

  • Provide fully accessible apps that provide a unique digital solution to advancing universal children’s rights
  • Help you fulfil your obligations under Australian and international child safe standards and principles
  • Promote wellbeing and safeguard children and young people

What digital participation tools can you use to facilitate engagement with children and young people?

Digital participation tools play a crucial role in advancing universal children’s rights, promoting wellbeing and safeguarding children and young people. From apps that help children and young people express their feelings to survey packages that help organisations gather candid feedback from young people, there’s a wide range of digital participation tools your organisation can leverage.

Mind Of My Own offers a range of apps and tools that help you listen to children and young people. 

Their apps are secure having held certification with ISO27001 since 2015 for their high level of information security and data privacy. 

Here’s an overview:

  • One App helps young people be more actively involved
  • Express helps infants and children with additional needs express their views
  • Shout helps organisations act on candid feedback from children and young people

Why should you invest in seeking and understanding children’s views in your organisation?

Making sure that children and young people who come into contact with your organisation or business are informed about their rights, participate in decisions that affect them, and are taken seriously, is required under Australian and international child safe standards and principles. It is also morally and ethically the right thing to do.

Non-compliance with child safe policies and legislation in your state or country can have dire consequences on your organisation’s credibility and reputation.

If your organisation engages with children and young people, enabling them to raise concerns and have a voice in what makes them feel safe or unsafe is imperative. Therefore, a key focus of Child Wise’s digital safeguarding practice is to bring you tools that empower young people to speak up, and do so in a way that is easy and accessible at all times. Child Wise’s partnership with Mind Of My Own is a reflection of this focus.

Early intervention is key to making child safe services, providing better outcomes for children and young people as well as cost savings further down the line. By using digital participation tools and apps for children and young people, you can receive high quality data to target services where they are most needed both to individual children or service areas.

Understanding which children are struggling at any given point allows you to intervene at the right time for them making your services safer and more effective.

Helping you empower children and young people in your organisation

Child Wise and Mind Of My Own can work with you to facilitate the engagement of children and young people, create opportunities for them to participate in your organisation, and develop age-appropriate mechanisms for providing feedback.

Safer care happens when children are better listened to. Child Wise shares Mind Of My Own’s view that children and young people should always be able to participate fully in their lives and it should be easy for them to speak up anytime they want.

Walk the walk with us in putting children and young people’s voices first and foremost in your services and join the participation revolution to make children’s services safer!

To learn more, please contact our helpful staff

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