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Is your organisation Child Wise?

We offer Child Wise Accreditation to any organisation that works with children and can demonstrate that their policies, processes and culture are consistently child safe. This includes a strong focus on understanding safety from the perspective of the children and young people who are part of your organisation.

Child Wise accredits against a Child Safe Organisations Framework that includes:

  • The National Principles for Child Safe Organisations;
  • Legislation relevant to particular jurisdictions, including state-based Child Safe Standards; and
  • Child Wise success criteria’ including specific indicators and evidence expected in organisations with a well embedded child safe culture.

The Accreditation process involves working with project leads from your organisation to establish and plan the project. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and other State/Territory inquiries into child abuse all point to the critical role leaders have in influencing how organisations develop and sustain child safe culture. Child Wise also recognises this, and as such prioritises leadership engagement at the commencement of an Accreditation project.

Once Accreditation is achieved, it is a three-year arrangement during which Child Wise partners with organisations to support continuous improvement, integrate new legislative requirements and emerging best practice, whilst ensuring Accreditation requirements continue to be met.

Contact us for more information.

More information

Child Wise Accreditation - information for families and communities

Accreditation is only awarded to organisations that can demonstrate they meet the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

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Benefits of Child Wise Accreditation for organisations

Child Wise is a sector leader, and as such our Accreditation will serve as credible, visible evidence of your organisation’s commitment to child safety. 

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Accreditation program modules

Unless otherwise indicated, the following modules are essential for Accreditation.

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